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Hotels in Derbyshire : Best Places to Visit in Derbyshire
Posted On : Jan-10-2012 | seen (173) times | Article Word Count : 526 |
One of the most popular tourist destinations in North England is the Arbor Low Stone Age Henge monument. It is of unique cultural curiosity which archaeologists can鈥檛 fully explain. If you want to visit this place, you can find some hotels in Derbyshire that are close to this area. One of the most popular tourist destinations in North England is the Arbor Low Stone Age Henge monument. It is of unique cultural curiosity which archaeologists can鈥檛 fully explain. If you want to visit this place, you can find some hotels in Derbyshire that are close to this area.
The purpose of the structure or the identity of the people who built it still remains a mystery. It was built 375 meters above sea level Cheap Kendall Sheffield Jersey , on top of a hill. Aside from seeing the mysterious Stone Henge up close, you will find an awesome view of surrounding landscapes from the site.
The structure was built at around 2500 BC and takes on a circular shape. It is 76 meters in diameter and about 2 meters tall. There is a ditch in the interior of the structure that is 1.5 meters deep. Visitors can enter the circular structure from the south-east or north-west of the bank.
The middle part of the structure contains 46 large stones and 13 small stones. The stones are arranged in a circle with some pieces in the center. The stones lay flat on the ground but it is not certain if they were once upright and just fell to the ground. t visited places and is located in Derbyshire. Chatsworth sits in the heart of the Peak District National Park.
Chatsworth is a famous historical estate that is home to gorgeous water features, gardens and art galleries. There are shops and restaurants in the area too that caters to millions of tourists that visit this place each year. The Chatsworth House sits on a 1000 acre park with a farm house.