In these three stages, postponed mountain to help in the beginning, originally and most had a hope, that'Li Yan Shan'also really was a superior. He accepts money in year, which think, unexpectedly a copper none of money in Chuang in the Teng house pays! This greatly took charge of fire! Immediately lead the horse of about 3,000 people, kill Chuang in the Teng house, the desire wants to destroy Chuang in the Teng house that the external world alleges brave force, good awe other Chuang sons.That greatly takes charge of is also from hold is a proper city first superior, even candidly admit defeat Wang Tie Shan!Killed Chuang in the Teng house at that time, saw many Chuangs pregnant to wear the clansmen of weighing A, he wasn't surprised anti- pleased, returned cachinnation:"Ha ha, send heavy A for my Li Yan Shan come!" Immediately, he one wolf tooth the stick bomb the front door of opening Chuang in the Teng house. He also has after death at the same time 100 heavy A Ma Ze, and about 3,000 common Ma Ze. Which think …… The real beginning fights, terrible of an act was born! Li Yan Shan's troops of heavy A Ma Ze, that just chooses some bodies strongly, while Teng house Chuang's hurtling be most before wearing the clansmen of weighing A, all of that are the superior who owns inside the strength!One pole pole the long gun contain inside strength the Chuo sting get up and directly pierced to wear common weigh Ma Ze's body of A. Wear first-class weigh 50 clansmens of A, imitate Buddha ground meat of machine, they don't fear to common knife sword and easily kill a great deal of horse thief.After death be still other to wear common heavy A clansmen assistance.Plus front door so breadth, can hurtle incoming Ma Ze also so many, still have a great deal of point on the ground sting, fight a horse can not dash away, can next combat. Simultaneously pour! That declares proper city first superior of'greatly postpones mountain'Be getting more hasty, unexpectedly want one person, kill the light Teng Chuang in the house of 50 inside strength superior, he just wanted to make moves, at by this time-the Teng green mountain have already made moves! The Teng green mountain is told Li Yan Shan with the fact-his Li Yan Shan, not proper city first superior. Li Yan Shan dies! Ma Ze's morale falls low, can Ma Ze inside of madness, it make them want to make reprisals, can drive solemn A clansmen in the Teng house, while containing and leading inside the clansmens of strength, immediately after again massacred several hundred people, Ma Ze of the surplus is in fear but escapes.This war, Chuang in the Teng house fully killed about thousand Ma Ze!Still paid to get 100 heavy As, made solemn AN in the Teng house more! One war, Chuang reputation in the Teng house wins more and has no Ma Ze to dare to accept money in year any further. That white Ma Bang'Liu San Ye'in the third day of the after the event, run to Chuang in the Teng house in person more, the permanence dismisses year money in Chuang in the Teng house, also is as very intimate as Teng green mountain. …… "This Liu's three Yes understand proper restraint very much, know what person can ask for, what person can not ask for."The Teng green mountain says with smile, that Liu's three Yes have heart to become friends with, Teng green mountain at Liu San Ye unified proper city robber influence in, also secretly lead a two hand, this is two, the real strenght for revealing even if Liu San Ye feared. Liu San Ye, know what person can not give offense to! "H'm, however green mountain, proper city robber's influence settled down, two of us, it's time to also leave Chuang son."Teng the green tiger is suddenly some sad. "Yes, it's time to walk."The Teng green mountain feels deeply about 1. ****** Three day empress, morning, more than 2,000 persons from Chuang in Teng house coming together is doing Wu Chang, Teng green mountain and Teng the green tiger is 2 people, lead several hundred strong mans inside clans more, again practice a tiger boxing! Several hundred people are unified to do a tiger of boxing, have much of some kind of vehemences. Mother'Yuan orchid'and younger sister'light rain', looking at and all have a tears flower in this act eyes, because today Teng green mountain and Teng the green tiger Be about to leave Chuang in the Teng house, join and return a dollar religion! For a long time …… The Teng green mountain and Teng green tiger respectively carries package, respectively the weapon also dismantles to unload to put in the package.More than 2,000 clansmens send off.